Einstein Quote

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." – Albert Einstein

Monday, July 12, 2010

Self-Esteem - Written 7-6-10

Sitting here…
Thinking, wondering;
Not knowing why it had to be…
Lost in a world of sadness,
I wasn’t happy to be me.

Searched for validation
Through the love of another;
Only to be beaten down,
Left torn asunder.

The only thing he did for me
Was take away my dreams.

Hoped for a chance
At something more;
A way to escape
All the pain
That came before.

Would I be able,
To save myself…
Before I finally drowned?

Couldn’t listen any longer
To the lies…
Skillfully wove.
Meant to keep me suffering,
In the darkness,
All alone.

In this way,
I came to learn,
No one else can set you free….

In order to find contentment,
One must see:
To be beautiful is to be imperfect;
Though not everyone agrees…

Now that I have
Opened my eyes,
I finally have found,

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