Einstein Quote

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." – Albert Einstein

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Resumption of Madness

So I realize I started this wonderful Blog and got a rather powerful response, then I totally stopped writing. I also started about 3 or 4 other more personally-themed blogs and again only wrote a few posts and stopped. I suppose I have this bad habit of starting things, but not always following through to the end. BAD BAD BAD HABIT!!!

Anyway, I have decided to resume the blog. I am currently working on some new and very ORIGINAL music. I have always wanted to make music of my own and now I'm finally motivated enough to really do it.

I have started work on 2 tracks. One I wrote the lyrics to last year, "Ashes Of The Phoenix". It will be the title track to my first album when I have completed it. I will be starting to play with some music for it next week. (FINALLY!) I have also started to write another song, 'Lost". I came up with a melody and beat before I wrote any lyrics. I am still writing the lyrics and working on the music it is DEFINITELY a work-in-progress.

I will be posting lyrics and music later. So please check them out as they come. I will be tracking my progress in this blog. I will also continue to post essays, photos, etc as they come to mind.

If you're interested... Follow along as I continue to journey into the depths of my mind... Who knows where all this will lead; I just find it to be a healthy outlet for my creativity and a good way to pass the time.

---- Angelica

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