Einstein Quote

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." – Albert Einstein

Friday, September 2, 2011

"Lost" Day #10 - 14hrs In...

I've been working on my first original song (both lyrics and music) for 10 days now. (Going on 11 actually.) I have been at it for about 14 hours according to the log on my production software. I'm using FL Studio 9 XXL. It is my first time really using this software and I'm learning it as I go. I'm also using my CASIO LK-90tv keyboard as a midi controller. I started with the basic melody of the piano music. Then I began playing with beats and layering other synths in. Below I have posted the set from my Soundcloud account that contains all of the versions of the song I have done so far to show the progression of the track as I complete it. I currently have 2 verses and the chorus written, I am working on the bridge. The music has already changed since the first instrumental version I created. Check it out and keep a lookout for more to come soon!!!

Lost - From "Ashes Of The Phoenix" by AshesOfThePhoenix

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